Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's Tuesday!

It's a rainy Tuesday Morning and there's not much going on. Grayson is playing overly loudly in the next room and I'm hungry. No clue what it is I want to eat. But I need to eat. Got to keep with the somewhat healthy lifestyle so I can be hot. I used to skip breakfast completely which isn't good I'm told. LOL

Which brings me to another thought that I've had ricocheting through my mind for the last couple of months. As most of you know I had a c section when I had my Bug and if any of you have had one or seen what they can do it's not pretty. I mean I'm not grotesque or anything but I would really like to have a nice flat tummy. So I am researching and considering a tummy tuck. Obviously this is something that one doesn't go into lightly. I would start my research on the web just to get an idea of the docs and facilities that are in the Houston area. Plastic surgery isn't something that I know about so that's where I would have to start. Once I had a list I would start making phone calls to the necessary organizations to find out what I needed to know. I have to say that some of this may not be necessary. A certain friend put a Bug in my ear about Dr Nikko and everything I've heard about him he's wonderful.

So my question is this. If you were in the same situation as me would you consider plastic surgery to achieve your goals. As you can tell from my previous post I am taking the first step. I am getting better and better at eating right and I'm working out. But I'm just looking for an opinion.


Anonymous said...

well, as far as the breakfast things goes, I don't eat it, hardly ever either. but, then again, I hardly get-up, before 11. lol. when it comes, to plastic surgery, I think it's a personal choice. I've got no problem with it. for me, I'd never do it, 'cause I don't need it. personally, don't think u do either. but, 'cause of the c-section, I can understand, why u might wanna do it. maybe for other reasons too. I have several scars, from all my surgeries. but, to me, they're just a part of me, and make me who I am. :)

lokysmom79 said...

Am I the certain friend???? I'd LOOOVE to go to Dr. Nikko....except from what I can tell, he doesn't do reductions!!! Grrrrrr! I'd like to get A & B done at the same time. I love you bunches....Kisses


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