Friday, October 3, 2008

Does tomorrow mean Friday in your world?

Just wondering? I teased you on Monday with a brief venture into my world promising to satisfy your needs "tomorrow". Apparently slaving as a bartender aka "babysitter", Monday through Saturday as temporarily altered my sense of time.

There's nothing to report as nothing as happened. I've gone to work and slept pretty much. Are you intrigued? Do I make you long for a life of excitement such as mine?

OH! I did get a crock pot today. I've been longing for the one with the 3 different sized inserts and I have finally made it mine. I have chicken and dumplins cooking away as we speak. I will post pics for those of you who haven't been introduced. It's great. There's a 2 quart, 4 quart and a 6 quart. I LOVE IT!

I have to get ready for another night of helping people find the courage to say and do things they otherwise wouldn't. Until next time!


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