Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fiber and Water!

I Love that I've realized the wonders of water and fiber. I started out this week getting back to my water everyday, about 100 ounces to be exact, and my fiber. We're supposed to get between 25 and 30 grams of fiber a day. Well since Monday I've lose about 5 lbs. Whoo Hoo. I'm flushing everything out and getting back on track. When you're sure to get in the right nutrients you can be a little more lax with your diet. I mean I'm still really watching the portions and staying away from the fast food, and the fried foods as much as possible but it's not so hard to eat right when you're getting what your body needs.

I was on the stationary bike as planned today for 25 minutes, and the stability ball work will be later. I'll start posting some progress pics once I start to see more progress.

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