Saturday, May 19, 2007

To Dye or not to Dye?

Ok. So I'm looking at the pics that I have posted on here and I'm having hair envy. Of myself. LOL I have recently given in the blonde. I haven't dyed my hair since September or October of last year and I'm beginning to get that itch again. For a long time I've wanted brown hair. I'm not sure why. It most likely has something to do with the fact that I love light eyes with darker hair and dark eyes with lighter hair. Well after several attempts to darken my hair I gave up. I gave into the blonde. But I have to say that after more then 25 years of being blonde I am just plain tired of it. So everyone give me opinions. Should I give into the urge and go and find myself a hair color that I can live with until I get the urge to itch that scratch again? Or should I just let it grow and stick with what I've got?


lokysmom79 said...

I say do what you want!! Remember when I went red? LOL That lasted about a month, but it was fun! Try a darker brown, instead of a light one to color your hair. It'll still lighten back up, but not as much. Bust wishes!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't mess with perfection. :) stay blonde.


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