Monday, February 26, 2007

What part of "No Food" is so hard to understand?

That's what I have been asking myself since about 11:45 last night.

I should warn you before you go any further that if you have a weak stomach not to go any further. There. You've been warned.

This past Friday Grayson came down with the stomach bug that's been circulating. He was icky for about 3-4 hours then started feeling better. He was drinking Crystal Light and holding it down. I was happy he was feeling better and wanting to play. Well it was Daddy's weekend. So Daddy came and got him and I went over everything with him. He hasn't been sick since about 11:30. He's been drinking OK since 12:30! Here's a change of clothes just in case. Blah blah blah. But the most important part was NO FOOD. If he's still OK later tonight maybe some crackers, toast, or applesauce. What does he do first thing when Grayson gets in the car? Gives him chips. Now they were baked chips so they're a little better then the regular variety but still. NO FOOD.

Well I get him back yesterday and he informs me that Grayson had gotten sick that morning. So he's been OK the rest of the day so I figure it's this thing Grayson does where if he eats too soon in the morning he gets icky. Mainly milk to early does it to him. So he'd already eaten dinner at his Dad's so I just let him have a Gogurt and then we went on to bed.

I was actually asleep by 10. Both of us were. Well he was in there in the room with me and at 11:45 I'm woken up to him crying and my back feels funny. I'm disoriented and don't really know what's going on. I look over at him and he was like a freaking fountain. I jump up grab him and run him to the bathroom. Yep! Getting sick again. And I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Yeah! All over my back. So I get him ok in the bathroom and go change shirts. I come back from the laundry room to find him laying across my bed. Hello? Do you see the mess on the bed?

Then you guessed it. He started crying again which meant more was coming. I rush him to the bathroom. Well he didn't make it. All over the bathroom! YUCK YUCK YUCK. He finishes and I strip him down and put him in the tub and begin cleaning the bathroom again. I leave him in the tub and head to the laundry room to start the laundry.

OK. Whoo...comforter, pillow cases, my shirt, his shirt all in the laundry. I go to find him laying in the bathtub just grinning up at me like nothings wrong. Argh. I get him cleaned up, out dressed and set up on the floor with towels everywhere. I then tackle the bed. Disinfecting it and getting it all cleaned up was easier then I thought. Most of it luckily was on the comforter. Which was about to start it's 2nd cycle through the washer with hot water.

I then take my shower get all clean and finally get in bed around 2. OK. He's sleeping soundly. Crisis over. I wake up to him crying. Now it's coming out the other end! Argh!

So back to the bathroom. He gets a shower, which means I get a shower. While he stands in the warm water I go and put everything from the 2 cycles in the washer into the dryer. And add the rest of the stuff that he tainted the night before. I think we're OK now. He's had 2 pieces of dry toast and 2 cups of Crystal Light! Nothing but toast and Crystal Light until tomorrow.

So that's my lovely last couple of days with a small rest in between! LOL


Anonymous said...

Hey! Sounds like you and your little man, have had a rough couple of days. I hope he's feelin' better. By the way, sounds like your ex. either isn't too bright, or just doesn't listen. lol

Rene Perez said...

Oh blah! Blah... ick.. blah! I just don't know what else to say.


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