Monday, July 30, 2007

I love you all the Muches!

I love the things that come out of my Bugs mouth! I sometimes start conversations just to see what he's going to say.

I was hugging him today and asked him how much he loved me. He held his fingers about a cm apart and said proudly, "This Much!"

I poke out my bottom lip and tell him that that's not very much. He moves them apart. Again. I pout! He then makes his little pointer finger and thumb into and L.

I tell him, "That's Little bitty! I love you this much." I spread my arms and show him how much.

He looks at me with the same L and says, "It's not little bitty. It's big bitty!" He then starts going through all the different distances he can hold his little fingers apart and looks at me and says, "I Love You All The Muches!"

LOL Isn't that sweet?

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