Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Alright. I've put this out there before but there are people that still don't get it. If you're child is throwing up and has a fever they are sick. It is not something that they ate. They are contagious and they are sick. Do not keep feeding them things such as meatloaf. Do not sent them into 100 degree Texas weather to play outside. Pretty much keep them away from all other children until you know that they are ok. Oh. And make sure they are washing and sanitizing their hands and that you're lysoling the house!

My son is now sick and throwing up because of people that don't take these precautions. People that then go on to tell me that they only threw up once and it was probably something that their grandmother fed them only to be told later that that child had been running a fever at the same time! Argh!

So this is my warning to you. If your child has a virus IE throwing up every 15 minutes or throwing up with a fever! They are sick. If you fail to do the necessary things like only letting them have water/pedialyte and foods from the B.R.A.T. diet until it's been at least 6-12 hours since they've thrown up then keep your child away from mine. Give their stomach time to heel and do not make them eat normal often greasy foods. It's not the end of the world if they do not get the 5 food groups in for that day! My reason for telling you all this is this. If you fail to do these things or inform people of the necessary thing then you will be taking care of yet another child while they are sick. And cleaning up their sick messes!

There! Done!

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