Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's One of Those Days!

So I get up this morning and Grayson is all sunny! He has his breakfast with minimum fussing that he got Corn Pops and is dressed and ready to play outside. He gets out there only to be pushed into the wading pool! Argh! He's on his 2nd pair of play clothes and it's only 10 in the morning. So we get him changed and I tell him he needs to stay inside for a while because he wasn't supposed to be at the pool to begin with. And so begins the whining! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR YOU WHINE! Period. I don't care if you're hungry, you just had breakfast. I don't care if you're thirsty, there's juice on the table. I don't care if you want to go outside. You didn't mind and stay away from the pool when I told you to so you need to keep your butt inside for a little bit. Learn your lesson.

So that's the first couple hours of my day. Keep your fingers crossed that the next few will be better!

1 comment:

lokysmom79 said...

Oh fun. I detest...can not stand...absolutely HATE whining. OMGosh there is probably nothing worse than whining. I'm sorry.


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