Thursday, June 7, 2007


I don't know what my Bug ate or drank or whatever but he's in a mood today. He's not listening to one thing I say. He's dragging the cat around. So I stop him and sit him on the couch.

"You sit there until I tell you you can get up!"

"I have to tee tee."

"Ok fine. Go tee tee!"

He gets up and runs in there to go tee tee and walks back in with the cat.

"NO! I told you to go potty. Not to get the cat. You get your hiney on the couch now before I spank it."

He gets on the couch and then it really begins.

"I'm hungry."

"You just ate lunch."

"I have to go potty."

"No you don't you're just bored."

"I'm thirsty."

"So just drink the drink that you have in front of you."


At this point he crosses his arms and points his stormy look at the TV.

That wasn't the end of it. I went on to stop him from jumping on the furniture, running through the house, dragging the cat around yet again and getting the soaked puppet out of the dirty clothes. Not sure why it's soaked. Think it got left outside. But there you go. Grayson's having a BAD BAD BAD day and I'm the one paying for it.

And gypsies out there want him? I keep threatening that I'm going to give him away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun, little handful. lol


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