Monday, June 4, 2007


I swear I need to take out stock in Miderma. You know? That cream that you can get to help lessen the appearance of scars? Well my Bug needs a vat of it. He's always hurting himself. I blogged about him falling and splitting his knee open and me having to butterfly it and try and keep him still for a week. Well we just got over that and yesterday he's playing with his cousins and they somehow got an ottoman onto the top bunk of their bunk beds. Don't ask me how because I don't know. Well I went in there to get the 2 year old off the top bunk and Grayson falls and his head then slides down the ottoman. He's screaming because there's a big chunk out of his head right on the hair line and I'm still trying to get Joshua down. I finally get him down and go and take a look. I put a bag of frozen peppers on it then neosporin it and put a Curious George bandaid on it. All better.

Well this afternoon I'm working when he comes in screaming. He'd been in some kind of accident and he's got bumps and scratches all over both arms and on his knee. The very knee that we just got healed up. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So he crys his way through the cleaning of the knee, he hates peroxide, so we get it mostly clean with that then stick him in the tub. That makes it better. It's not that bad a scrape. No where near as bad as a few weeks ago. But come on? Can't we go without blood and crying for a couple months at least?

Well that's my life. Anyone have extra first aid supplies floating around? Send em on.


Anonymous said...

I think I got, alot, of extra bandages, and tape, from my ankle surgery 2 years ago. lol

Rene Perez said...

I keep a box for Joshua in his diaper bag... also keep bug spray...err..wipes.


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