Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

I'm in one of those moods. One of those where I just want to talk about anything and everything!

So I filed my tax return yesterday. I know big deal. Well in the past I've filed at HR Block. I've always gotten a good size return but was apparently in the dark about some things. I've always asked my "Tax Professional" about claiming the money that I pay towards child care. And I've always been told the same thing. That there's no point in claiming it since my standard deduction is larger then what my deduction would be should I itemize. Sounds reasonable. But here's the kicker. The dependent care thing is a credit. Hello? Not the same thing as a deduction. So I'm getting back more this year then ever because I didn't trust a "tax professional." And I'm getting my taxes done for free. Yep! And onto another subject so I think I'll start a new paragraph.

A couple friends of mine and my sister have been singing the praises of Turbo Tax. So I tried it. When I figured everything out I was getting the big refund that I explained above. But it got to the end and wanted me to pay $29.95. Yeah I know this is a rather small amount in comparison to what I was paying the "tax professional", but at the same time Argh. So go in search of a promotional code. And when you search you always find the forums where someone else has asked the same question. Well the answer I find is that Turbo Tax offers a free edition of their software. Yep! That's right. As long as you are filing a 1040 EZ, 1040A or one other and your total AGI, I think, is less then $28,500, you do not have to pay the $29.95 fee. It always bothers me that companies don't advertise these things. You have to just happen to find them. So if someone isn't aware of this and fits into the above criteria they are paying money that they don't have to. So I'm telling you now. Go to and see if you can file for free.

Let's see. I think that's all that's really pressing for me to vent about at this time. But I know there will be more. So rest assured you'll have more to read later. Thanks for sticking around this long.

1 comment:

lokysmom79 said...

Yeah...Turbo Tax RULES!!! Now you have the answer to the question you've been asking me for years....that's how I get my big returns. :) Turbo Tax used to advertise the "free file" but people were so angry that they didn't qualify, that they left it for those who were interested to look it up. I filed free the first 2 years, then I made too much money. *sigh* Congrats on the refund! I'm sure it'll really be a blessing, and we can go car shopping! ;)


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