Saturday, January 27, 2007

Oh My Gosh!

My thighs are killing me. And I mean killing me. I recently added squats to my strength training exercises and boy can I tell it. It hurts to sit down. It hurts to stand up. It really really hurts to climb stairs! LOL Oh well. No pain no gain right? I will have some really hot legs and a great butt if I can just stick with it! LOL Oh well. There's my gripe session.


Rene Perez said...

I think your legs are already hot.

lokysmom79 said...

I think Rene is gay. ;) KIDDING!!!! Hang in there. Squats and lunges were the most horrible experience of my life when getting ready for my wedding, but I sure had some killer legs and butt for Hawaii. It is painful, but keep in mind...the more you do, the less painful it is. ALSO...don't do them'll end up hurting your muscles more...they need time to heal and do uppers the next day. :) I'm beginning my "routine" tonight...I'm actually excited!

Rene Perez said...

Well, I think Tiffany is just a geek.


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