Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Is this really a Controversy?

OK. So I heard on the news today that the state of Texas has changed the Texas pledge. Well not so much changed it as added some words to it. They've added "One state under God." Is this a big deal to you?

To me, someone who beleives that this nation was founded on Christian beleifes so shouldn't they filter into our everyday lives in some way, shape or form? This is The United States of America. Yes. We say freedom of religion. No we are not telling you that you have to be a Chrisian or worship a God that you don't believe in. We are simply stating what at this point in time 76.5% of our nation is that of a Christian Faith. Therefore it's going to be prodominant.

If Christian American's go to other countries we are expected to speak their language and while there are Christian places of worship in those countries we are not accomodated to the point that all traces of their Nationally recognized religion is wiped from every place where it could possibly offend.

I understand. Not 100% of the people that have a problem with God in our schools and government are from other countries, and most of the time the people that I see protesting are American by birth. But why if you have the right to not have God in your school and government do the other 76.5% of us not have the right to have him there?

No. I am not belittling your beliefes or expecting you to alter them in any way shape or form. I'm simply stating that we've been nice for too long. We're let the protestors go too far in my opinion. If we remove God from everything in our lives is he going to be there when we need him the most?

This is not me asking every person on My Space to comment and tell me how stupid I am or go into a tirade about politics. I hate talking about Religion and Politics. But this ticked me off and I needed to have my say!


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