Thursday, August 2, 2007

Help Help Help!

I love my Bug dearly. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. But I am ready to yank his ears off of his little head. He WILL NOT listen to one thing that I say. he looks me right in the face while I am talking to him and when I ask him, "Did you hear what I said?" he looks at me and says yes. So then I ask, "What did I say?" to which his reply is, "I don't know."


He's not going to sleep right now for instance. He's been popped, had bee bear taken away, told he can't play outside tomorrow. Does this phase him? NO! I've tried time out. he sits over there and talks and plays and watches tv. He whines while he's there so I know he doesn't like it but what's the point if he's having a perfectly good time playing with the wall?

Any suggestions?


Rene Perez said...

Take ALL walls away from him! Knock them all down! That'll teach him!

Anonymous said...

It sucks being a mom sometimes. I have the same problem with Dorian most days. We just do time outs in his bed, that makes him really unhappy.

I just tagged you for an old posts meme, looking forward to seeing which posts you like!


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