Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Hump Day!

It's Wednesday. That's what's going on in my world. Really. That's it. I mean the Bug is good and things are flowing along relatively normally so nothing really to report.

I leave tomorrow for our weekend with Daddy and hopefully a little more fun then this past weekend. This past weekend was spent in Beaumont settling in and getting things that Chad needed. He's got himself a nice little setup and I truly hope that this is the beginning of some new found independence for him. Chad has, for at least the last 10 years or so, been in a situation where he has to depend on someone else for his survival. Having to pay child support on 5-6 kids kind of does that to you.

Well with the break up came the opportunity for him to live for himself and his son. He's living in a nice apartment with a male roommate and he actually has a space that is not completely dominated by a woman. Also, and this is something that I think Grayson really needed, visitations are now spent as a family. A broken family but as a family none the less. All Grayson knows is that he's getting the best of both worlds. He's getting time with his Daddy, whom he adores. Refer to my previous blog and the video. And he gets me there at the same time. He's finally getting those memories that I worried he would lack. I know. Maybe I'm worrying to much about Grayson's well being. But that's what I am. A worrier. And an over analyzer.

Grayson seems to love having both of around at the same time. It was something that, to tell you the truth, I was a little worried about. Aside from weekend visitations and 1 or 2 get together's it has been this way since Grayson was about 6 months old. But it's amazing how easily you fall into the Mommy Daddy routine when you've been so used to doing it on your own for so long. But I think that this is going to be great for everyone involved all the way around.

Say Goodbye to Grayson's Curls!

Yep! That's right. I gut them off. I took Grayson a few weeks ago and got his hair cleaned up. mainly just a little off here and there and then trimming of the bangs. Well all I got was grief for it. Daddy was constantly telling me how badly the hair cut looked. So one night I got the clippers out and a 1/2 inch comb and off they came. Bye Bye Curls. They will grow back. But at the same time I'm torn. I don't know which I like best. Him with his curls. Or without. What do you think? I'll post pics of each and you let me know.

So just comment and let me know!

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