Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My son the disbeliever!

My son never believes anything I say! To prove this I went to the local liqour store today. I saw this ice cream cake on 30 Minute Meals and wanted to make it. Well Chad has used all the Kahlua and neglected to let me know this so I went to get more. I walk in, after setting the alarm on my truck, and explain to Grayson as we walk down an aisle lined on both sides with MANY bottles of wine, that said bottles are all glass and therefore breakable. Apparently he doesn't believe me and decides to test this theory. He reaches out with the hand that I am not holding and thumps one of the bottles. It slightly wobbles after making a satisfactory glass like sound to settle safely without crashing to the floor. I'm scared he's not satisfied that they are indeed glass bottles so I take both hands and hold them over his head to walk down the aisle with the Kahlua on it. Now keep in mind I'm holding my keys in my hand and I have one of those remotes with the nifty red panic buttons on it. Next thing I know everyone is rushing to the front of the store to see why there's an alarm going on right in front of the entrance to the store. Argh! I hit the panic button. I go out and turn it off but not before everyone knows it was me! LOL Yes Grayson the bottles are breakable and I'm not lieing!


Elise B. said...

Oh no! I'm so glad that the bottle didn't break... in some ways that would be more embarrassing than the alarm going off in the car! At least in my opinion. :)

Have a great week. Lovely blog!

Anonymous said...

OMG - to say that your hands were full would be quite the understatement. ;)

Too funny - glad the bottle didn't break - lol!


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