Sunday, March 9, 2008

Changes Galore!

This year has been about changes so far. I'll try to get through them ass quickly as possible so as to keep your brain from oozing out of your ears.

My son's father and I have decided to give it another go, and so far things are great. Really just settling in and getting used to all the quirky things I'd learned to ignore but must learn again.

We've moved from the Houston area to Longview which means me changing jobs, Chad transferring, and Grayson changing schools. Grayson is going into his 3rd week at his new school and he's loving it. Chad is working the same job and hating it, but taking the steps to get a better job, as well as his GED and college. I'm really proud of him. I'm still doing the school thing and looking for a job.

I had a promising interview on Thursday. The interviewer told me that he had one more interview that day and while he wanted to hire me he had to at least extend the courtesy. Really made it sound like I had it. Said that he would be letting everyone know something by the end of the day. I spoke with the recruiter I'm working with and she said that they still haven't heard anything so we shall see. I'm not stopping the search by any means.

Other then that everything else is the same. Just happy and loving life. I've got a ton of pics to get uploaded and as I have them ready I'll do just that! For all of my Houston peeps out there I miss and love you! I promise once things level out here I'll be back. Just try and keep me away. To my new and few peeps here in Longview, hello and welcome to the insanity that can be my life!


1 comment:

Rene Perez said...

Dear Leiann's Peeps,

Tis true..the woman is an insanity magnet. :-D

Her NORMAL Sister


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