Monday, January 18, 2010

A Very Late New Years Resolution Post!

I posted some time in 2009 that my New Years Resolution was to take better care of myself. I've done that. Yes, it took me most of the year to get to the point that I did, but I have in fact done it. I got my hair done. No it's not what I want but I'm getting it redone as soon as I have the time. I'm spending some of my hard earned money on the make up that makes me feel good. As well as the hair care products that make me feel like my hair is in fact not thinning and I won't have a bald spot like my father! I found a house that I like and I now live in it! Yea! There are other things too, but you get the point.

Now I need to stick to what I've repeatedly blogged about. Getting healthy again. I have lost about 20 lbs but done nothing to get healthy. I drink cokes, eat crap drive thru food and don't drink near enough water! Yes part of this is due to my schedule. I work 12-13 hours a day and bar food is not conducive to a healthy life style. Neither are the jager bombs that customers insist on buying me and I feel badly for refusing.

So I need some people out there to cheer me on. My good friend Skyler is giving me some Wolf Gang Puck pots and pans and maybe this will reignite my love to cook. Maybe Chad and Grayson will start eating said food so I don't decide to go on strike again!

I want to be healthy and happy and not worry about looking badly in my clothes. That's all. I could care less about a bikini, or short shorts or any of the other things you hear other people trying to achieve with their weight loss. I simply want to live a long and healthy life and have fun doing it.

So attention EVERYONE! Read this! Make me come back and post more. Make me do what I know I need to do to have the fun filled life I want!


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